Tuesday, January 2, 2024

U.S. Rep. Scott Perry's Cell Phone Seized

828 Words



We will find State of Pennsylvania Representative Scott Perry to be a capable and honorable man who surely knew the boundaries between right and wrong--but of course, especially in politics, there is no bright yellow line between right and wrong. 

If you read about Scott Perry on Wikipedia, you will be impressed. He doesn't stand out as a flamboyant right wing radical. But he is a conservative republican who in 2021 was elected Chairman of the seriously conservative Freedom Caucus. And he is said to be quite loyal to Trump. 

It seems very clear to me that he worked hard to overturn the 2020 election.

Was he committing criminal acts? Or, was he just being a typical professional politician comfortably distorting reality and misstating facts to win at almost any cost?




In May of 2022 Mr. Perry was subpoenaed by the House committee investigating the January 6th Capitol attack. He refused to cooperate with that committee, which later in 2022 referred Perry's case to the House Ethics Panel for of his having refused to comply with the subpoena.

Immediately after after Trump's 2020 election loss there were signs of election fraud or irregularities. The vote counts were very accurate, and the few inaccuracies were so small they could not alter the Trump loss to Biden. 

Many lawsuits were filed claiming election fraud; all of them failed, including the one reaching the Supreme Court.

Trump had announced before the election that if he lost it would be due to election fraud. Moreover, Trump intensely disliked the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the FBI because both were extremely objective (hard facts count, opinions and personal feelings irrelevant). Some time prior to January 3, 2020, Representative Perry (very conservative and loyal to Trump), Chief of Staff Mark Meadows (Trump loyalist), and like-minded colleagues were brainstorming conspiracy theories for making a case to overthrow the election results.

DOJ environmental attorney Jeffrey Clark had found several conspiracy theories from QAnon and other sources; and he planned for these conspiracy theories to be brought into the DOJ, accepted on some official basis, and somehow used to ultimately overturn the election results. 

Representative Scott Perry provided support and influence to Jeffrey Clark. Mr. Clark passed these conspiracy theories to AGs Rosen and Donoghue, who sent these theories to be investigated by the FBI, which found them bizarre and without any merit. So, at this point in time (January 3rd), the DOJ wasn't buying Trump's ideas for overturning the election results.

On January 3rd, Jeffrey Clark and President Trump met with AGs Rosen and Donoghue to convince them to use the conspiracy theories to [somehow] start the process of overturning the election. This meeting and final result is fully described in my blog, "Dept of Justice Stands Up To Trump & He Backs Down Jan 3rd 2021."  GO DIRECTLY TO THAT BLOG BY CLICKING THE FOLLOWING LINK, BUT DO RETURN BACK HERE AFTERWARDS. 



By 2023 Special Counsel Jack Smith had listed Jeffrey Clark as an unindicted co-conspirator under Trump's federal indictment. And at the state level, in Georgia, Clark turned himself in at the Fulton County jail--booked on felony racketeering charges.

But as of today, Representative Scott Perry has not been charged with any crime. 

According to the Washington Post, 

"Of all the fantastical false claims of fraud and vote manipulation in the 2020 presidential election, “Italygate” was one of the most extreme. And Rep. Scott Perry (R-Pa.) was at the heart of bringing it to Donald Trump’s attention." 


According to Wikipedia, the Italygate conspiracy was QAnon related and alleged that:

  • the 2020 election was rigged for Biden to win
  • using satellites and
  • military technology
  • to remotely switch votes to Biden
  • and managed out of the U.S. Embassy in Rome (with Vatican involved). 



Scott Perry sued to prevent the criminal justice system from reading thousands of messages on his phone. 

But the finding of the D.C. District Court of Appeals is that 1659 of 2055 messages can be viewed by investigators to determine if Scott Perry committed any election crimes.

My prediction is that Perry's messages will be found to "smell bad" but to fall within the acceptable range for devious political talk and attempted influence. Scott Perry is an impressive man who has played by the rules and been consistently found honorable and capable at many very responsible life positions. He's been successful in business, in politics, and served in active war zones. He achieved the rank of Brigadier General! 

Let's hope it will be found that he might have been supporting a devious political tactic but, while other strayed over the line, he did not.

Any references not found above are on the page  BIBLIOGRAPHY / WORKS CITED  in the VotersGettingControl.blogspot.com/ blog.

    - END –

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

The SENATORS taught Tuberville a lesson and Tuberville backed down. Update.



Note: This is an updated blog on 12-27-23 (first published 9-14-23).

I have closely followed republican Senator Mitt Romney since 2015. 


When Trump launched his 2016 campaign to be the republican nominee for the Presidency,  Romney told us of Trump's seriously bad moral character. Romney said Trump was NOT A SUITABLE CANDIDATE.

Tuberville's bid for his first congressional run was supported by election-denier and liar Donald Trump. 

Tuberville has a lot to learn about serving all of his state of Alabama and also serving the whole of the United States. 

Tuberville is a baby politician and lacking in common sense--he felt he could serve only his own personal interests (rabidly anti-abortion) holding the whole Military hostage to punish Senators and Citizens just because they didn't agree with Tuberville. This went on for months and months.

Thank goodness there were enough experienced Senators who could pressure Tuberville so he could learn an important lesson on how to function as a senator.


What's that familiar word "integrity" actually mean? It means the following:

  • a person has good moral character when he or she
    • is honest and doesn't lie;
    • believes in ethical principles (doing the the right things);
    • follows the rules of whatever game they're in (whether football, cards, or politics); and,
    • has a value system appropriate to their life situation(s).
  • The important values vary across different situations. In sports most everything is public, transparent and well defined; each game comes to an end and competitors accept the outcome. But politics is hundreds of times more complex, obscure, messy, nasty and inescapably important.
  • Persons with integrity try really hard to consistently uphold the situation's values and respect their fellow men and women.


Even as Romney in 2016 on TV called out Trump for being a "fraud," he cited publicly available facts which together made the use of the word fraud appropriate. In contrast to this, there are those in Congress who slander other politicians, even going to the extreme of calling them "pedophiles." 

Romney showed his honorable integrity and respect for the Constitution by voting for Trump's impeachment; and in Trump's trial in the Senate, Romney voted to find Trump guilty for his part in the insurrection.

Romney just recently announced he'll not run for re-election. Since I first got acquainted with Romney, he has never disappointed me--even if we didn't agree on everything.


I'm a moderate Republican and he is very much more a far right conservative. I greatly respect Pence for several things I want to spread the word on.

  • I sort of think he wanted to be vice president and that he knew Trump's liabilities but as a loyal American politician he bravely offered himself as VP.
  • He comes across as "straight-laced," rarely smiles, and for his four years as VP appeared to be both loyal and long suffering.
  • My impression from reading multiple accounts of Trump's presidency, is that Pence supported what he could of Trump's policies. And he probably had a moderating effect upon Trump. Pence on January 6th, though fearing for his safety, did certify the electoral votes; Congress reconvened later in the evening and Biden became the next President. 
  • Pence probably worked to bring out the best from those working in the White House. Both AG Bill Barr and National Security Advisor John Bolton have said Trump was damaging to our American democracy. Bob Woodward's writing includes nonstop examples of the White House staff minimizing the damage from Trump's ignorance of government process and his impulsivity.

 When Pence announced his run for the Republican nomination for President, he began to publicly separate himself from Trump's chronic liabilities. He said he was "incredibly proud" of  what  he and Trump had accomplished. But he added, referring to Trump:

"I believe that anyone who puts themselves over the Constitution should never be president of the United States, and anyone who asks someone else to put them over the Constitution should never be president of the United States again." 



January 6, 2021 was the insurrection at the Capitol. That's 2 years and 9 months ago. 

But only in the past six months are we learning the full extent of the organizing which led to the riot and to the Trump-directed criminal interference with the elections in at least half a dozen states.



There are many odd, counter-intuitive procedures in Congress. Sometimes these procedures cause significant problems such what Senator Tuberville has seen fit to do. 

In an unprecedented manner he has held up about 300 military promotions until such time as the U.S. Military changes its policy of giving military personnel access to abortions and other reproductive medical care.

It’s a classic Washington standoff with rippling effects across the country, placing the lives of service members effectively on hold as they await what has traditionally been routine Senate approval for their promotions.

It is obvious from the various online news and pictures that Tuberville is pretty cocky about what he has done.  And he has no intentions of changing his mind.

Tuberville, is not a veteran. He has been a life long football coach. His candidacy was endorsed by Trump and Tuberville is serving his first term in the Senate. 


Today, USA Today reported that Mike Pence at a campaign stop commented: 

"Touting his 'traditional moral values,' he defended Sen. Tommy Tuberville's military holds and abortion fight with the Pentagon, and he again opposed transgender health care for children."


What I see happening in Mike Pence and Senator Tuberville is that they believe abortion should be entirely or almost entirely criminalized. This is reasonable for them to believe; and there are millions of Americans who feel the same way. 

However, Pence and Tuberville support manipulating Congressional procedures and perhaps laws to ban abortion access for everyone

For several years, most if not all opinion surveys show Americans are in favor of freedom of choice in the matter of abortion.  

What this amounts to is Pence and Tuberville are heading in the direction of forcing (inflicting, perhaps) their particular antiabortion value system upon the entire nation. First inflict it on the military, because Tuberville can; then gear up for the next battle to restrict freedom of choice for abortion.  

I will end today's blog by giving my opinion on whether our democracy can be saved. I believe we're going to be OK because:

  • At the Federal and State levels the criminal justice investigations are methodically producing the hard evidence, the facts, and the witnesses to testify and hold wrong doers accountable for their actions.
  • Hundreds of January 6th rioters have been sentenced--including long prison sentences for members of Oath Keepers and Proud Boys.
  • Misbehaving lawyers are in hearings for losing their licenses for violating their ethics standards.  Many have been indicted.   
  • Trump has been indicted four times for a total of 91 criminal charges. He cannot receive a presidential pardon for a state level crime. 
  • More and more republican Congressmen are publicly speaking the obvious--that Trump lost. Duh!
  • In the last several months, I've seen no public media even implying Federal election fraud. I believe we've reached a tipping point after which more and more citizens will open their hears and minds to election realities.
  • Several news organizations and talk show hosts have settled lawsuits for irresponsibly reporting conspiracy theories and false information that interfered with the elections. Literally hundreds of bogus lawsuits by election deniers have been thrown out of court.


Woodward, Bob. FEAR: Trump in the White House. Simon & Schuster, 2018

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  1350 Words   INTRODUCTION Here’s what happened in America   on January 6 th , 2021: “After refusing to concede the 2020 U.S. preside...